Drafts and Preprints
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Szentpéteri Sz.; Csáji, B. Cs.: Finite Sample Analysis of Distribution-Free Confidence Ellipsoids for Linear Regression
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Tamás, A.; Csáji, B. Cs.: Distribution-Free Inference for the Regression Function of Binary Classification
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Carè, A.; Csáji, B. Cs.; Gerencsér, B.; Gerencsér, L.; Rásonyi, M.: Poisson Equations, Lipschitz Continuity and Controlled Queues [arxiv]
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Csáji, B. Cs.; Györfi, L.; Tamás, A.; Walk, H.: On Rate-Optimal Partitioning Classification from Observable and from Privatised Data [arxiv]
Selected Journal Papers
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Carè, A.; Weyer, E.; Csáji, B. Cs.; Campi, M. C.: Signed-Perturbed Sums Estimation of ARX Systems: Exact Coverage and Strong Consistency,
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization (SICON), 2025 (accepted)
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Szentpéteri Sz.; Csáji, B. Cs.: Sample Complexity of the Sign-Perturbed Sums Method,
Automatica, Elsevier, 2024 (accepted; in print)
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Tamás, A.; Csáji, B. Cs.: Recursive Estimation of Conditional Kernel Mean Embeddings, Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), Microtome Publishing, Vol. 25, Num. 264, 1-35, 2024
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Szentpéteri Sz.; Csáji, B. Cs.: Finite-Sample Identification of Linear Regression Models with Residual-Permuted Sums, IEEE Control Systems Letters (L-CSS), IEEE Press, Vol. 8, 2024, pp. 1523–1528 [arxiv]
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Tamás, A.; Bálint, D. Á.; Csáji, B. Cs.: Robust Independence Tests with Finite Sample Guarantees for Synchronous Stochastic Linear Systems, IEEE Control Systems Letters (L-CSS), IEEE Press, Vol. 7, 2023, pp. 2701–2706 [arxiv]
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Szentpéteri Sz.; Csáji, B. Cs.: Non-Asymptotic State-Space Identification of Closed-Loop Stochastic Linear Systems using Instrumental Variables, Systems & Control Letters, Elsevier, Vol. 178, August 2023, 105565 [arxiv]
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Csáji, B. Cs.; Horváth, B.: Nonparametric, Nonasymptotic Confidence Bands with Paley-Wiener Kernels for Band-Limited Functions, IEEE Control Systems Letters (L-CSS), IEEE Press, Vol. 6, 2022, pp. 3355–3360 [arxiv]
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Tamás, A.; Csáji, B. Cs.: Exact Distribution-Free Hypothesis Tests for the Regression Function of Binary Classification via Conditional Kernel Mean Embeddings, IEEE Control Systems Letters (L-CSS), IEEE Press, Vol. 6, 2022, pp. 860–865 [arxiv]
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Carè, A.; Campi, M. C.; Csáji, B. Cs.; Weyer, E.: Facing Undermodelling in Sign-Perturbed Sums System Identification, Systems & Control Letters, Elsevier, Vol. 153, July 2021, 104936 [pdf]
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Monostori, L.; Csáji, B. Cs.; Egri, P.; Kis, K. B.; Váncza, J.; Ochs, J.; Jung, S.; König, N.; Pieske, S.; Wein, S.; Schmitt, R.; Brecher, C.: Automated Stem Cell Production by Bio-Inspired Control, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, Elsevier, 2021, 369–379 [pdf]
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Csáji, B. Cs.; Kis, K. B.: Distribution-Free Uncertainty Quantification for Kernel Methods by Gradient Perturbations, Machine Learning, Springer, Special Issue of the European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML PKDD Journal Track), Vol. 108, 2019, pp. 1677–1699
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Weyer, E.; Campi, M. C.; Csáji, B. Cs.: Asymptotic Properties of SPS Confidence Regions, Automatica, Elsevier, Vol. 82, 2017, pp. 287–294
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Csáji, B. Cs.; Kemény, Zs.; Pedone, G.; Kuti, A.; Váncza, J.: Wireless Multi-Sensor Networks for Smart Cities: A Prototype System with Statistical Data Analysis, IEEE Sensors Journal, IEEE Press, Vol. 17, Issue 23, 2017, pp. 7667–7676 [arxiv]
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Carè, A.; Csáji, B. Cs.; Campi, M. C.; Weyer, E.: Finite-Sample System Identification: An Overview and a New Correlation Method, IEEE Control Systems Letters (L-CSS), IEEE Press, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2017, pp. 61–66 [pdf]
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Kovács, A.; Bátai, R.; Csáji, B. Cs.; Dudás, P.; Háy, B.; Pedone, G.; Révész, T.; Váncza, J.: Intelligent Control for Energy-Positive Street Lighting, Energy: The International Journal,
Elsevier, Vol. 114, 2016, pp. 40–51 [pdf]
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Csáji, B. Cs.; Campi, M. C.; Weyer, E.: Sign-Perturbed Sums: A New System Identification Approach for Constructing Exact Non-Asymptotic Confidence Regions in Linear Regression Models, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE Press, Vol. 69, 2015, pp. 169–181 [pdf]
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Monostori, L.; Valckenaers, P.; Dolgui, A.; Panetto, H.; Brdys, M.; Csáji, B. Cs.: Cooperative Control in Production and Logistics, Annual Reviews in Control (ARC): A Journal of IFAC, the International Federation of Automatic Control, Elsevier, Vol. 39, 2015, pp. 12–29 [pdf]
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Csáji, B. Cs.; Jungers, R. M.; Blondel, V. D.: PageRank Optimization by Edge Selection, Discrete Applied Mathematics (DAM): The Journal of Combinatorial Algorithms, Informatics and Computational Sciences, Elsevier, Vol. 169, 2014, pp. 73–87 [pdf]
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Csáji, B. Cs.; Browet, A.; Traag, V. A.; Delvenne, J-C.; Huens, E.; Van Dooren, P.; Smoreda, Z.; Blondel, V. D.: Exploring the Mobility of Mobile Phone Users, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Elsevier, Vol. 392, Issue 6, 2013, pp. 1459–1473 [pdf]
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Csáji, B. Cs.; Monostori, L.: Adaptive Stochastic Resource Control: A Machine Learning Approach, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR), AAAI Press, Vol. 32, 2008, pp. 453–486 [pdf]
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Csáji, B. Cs.; Monostori, L.: Value Function Based Reinforcement Learning in Changing Markovian Environments, Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), MIT Press and Microtome Publishing, Vol. 9, 2008, pp. 1679–1709 [pdf]
Selected Conference Papers
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Tamás, A.; Szentpéteri, Sz.; Csáji, B. Cs.: Data-Driven Upper Confidence Bounds with Near-Optimal Regret for Heavy-Tailed Bandits, 28th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), Mai Khao, Thailand, 2025
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Tamás, A.; Szentpéteri, Sz.; Csáji, B. Cs.: Data-Driven Confidence Intervals with Optimal Rates
for the Mean of Heavy-Tailed Distributions, 27th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), Valencia, Spain, May 2–4, 2024, PMLR: Vol. 238 [pdf] [poster]
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Szentpéteri, Sz.; Kis, K. B; Egri, P.; Sanges, C.; Danhof, S.; Mestermann, K.; Hudecek, M.; Navarro Velázquez, S.; Juan, M.; Csáji, B. Cs.: Reinforcement Learning Based Resource Management for CAR T-Cell Therapies, 6th CIRP Conference on Biomanufacturing (BioM), Dresden, Germany, June 11–13, Procedia CIRP, Elsevier, 2024 [pdf]
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Horváth, B.; Csáji, B. Cs.: Nonparametric Simultaneous Confidence Bands: The Case of Known Input Distributions, 23rd European Young Statisticians Meeting (EYSM 2023, virtual mode), Bernoulli Society, Ljubljana, Slovenia,
September 11–15, 2023 [pdf]
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Szentpéteri, Sz.; Csáji, B. Cs.: Sample Complexity of the Sign-Perturbed Sums Identification Method: Scalar Case, 22nd IFAC World Congress (World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control), Yokohama, Japan, July 9–14, 2023 [pdf]
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Csáji, B. Cs.; Horváth, B.: Improving Kernel-Based Nonasymptotic Simultaneous Confidence Bands, 22nd IFAC World Congress (World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control), Yokohama, Japan, July 9–14, 2023 [pdf]
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Kis, K. B.; Csempesz, J.; Csáji, B. Cs.: A Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Algorithm for Sensors with Low Sampling Rate and its Application to Autonomous Mobile Robots, 10th CIRP Conference on Digital Enterprise Technologies, 2021, pp. 154–159 [pdf]
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Csáji, B. Cs.; Kis, K. B.; Kovács, A.: A Sampling-and-Discarding Approach to Stochastic Model Predictive Control for Renewable Energy Systems, 21st IFAC World Congress (1st Virtual IFAC World Congress), July 11–17, 2020, pp. 7142–7147 [pdf] [slides]
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Csáji, B. Cs.; Tamás, A.: Semi-Parametric Uncertainty Bounds for Binary Classification, 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Nice, France, December 11–13, 2019, pp. 4427–4432 [pdf] [slides]
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Carè, A.; Csáji, B. Cs.; Gerencsér, B.; Gerencsér, L.; Rásonyi, M.: Parameter-Dependent Poisson Equations: Tools for Stochastic Approximation in a Markovian Framework, 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Nice, France, December 11–13, 2019, pp. 2259–2264 [pdf]
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Csáji, B. Cs.; Kis, K. B.: Distribution-Free Uncertainty Quantification for Kernel Methods by Gradient Perturbations, 58th European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML PKDD), Würzburg, Germany, September 16–20, 2019 [arxiv] [slides] [poster]
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Gerencsér, L.; Csáji, B. Cs.; Sabanis, S.: Asymptotic Analysis of the LMS Algorithm with Momentum, 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Miami Beach, Florida, December 17–19, 2018, pp. 3062–3067 [pdf] [slides]
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Csáji, B. Cs.: Non-Asymptotic Confidence Regions for Regularized Linear Regression Estimates, 20th European Conference on Mathematics for Industry (ECMI), Finite-Sample System Identification Minisymposium, Budapest, Hungary, June 18–22, 2018, Springer, pp. 605–611
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Kolumbán, S.; Csáji, B. Cs.: Towards D-Optimal Input Design for Finite-Sample System Identification, 18th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID), Stockholm, Sweden, July 9–11, 2018, pp. 215–220
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Carè, A.; Csáji, B. Cs.; Campi, M. C.; Weyer, E.: Undermodelling Detection with Sign-Perturbed Sums, 20th IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, July 9–14, 2017, pp. 2799–2804 [pdf] [slides]
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Carè, A.; Csáji, B. Cs.; Campi, M. C.: Sign-Perturbed Sums (SPS) with Asymmetric Noise: Robustness Analysis and Robustification Techniques, 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Las Vegas, Nevada, December 12–14, 2016, pp. 262–267 [pdf]
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Csáji, B. Cs.: Score Permutation Based Finite Sample Inference for Generalized AutoRegressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) Models, 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), Cadiz, Spain, 2016, pp. 296–304 [pdf] [poster]
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Volpe, V.; Csáji, B. Cs.; Carè, A.; Weyer, E.; Campi, M. C.: Sign-Perturbed Sums (SPS) with Instrumental Variables for the Identification of ARX Systems, 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Osaka, Japan, December 15–18, 2015, pp. 2115–2120 [arxiv]
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Csáji, B. Cs.; Weyer, E.: Closed-Loop Applicability of the Sign-Perturbed Sums Method, 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Osaka, Japan, December 15–18, 2015, pp. 1441–1446 [pdf] [slides]
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Csáji, B. Cs.; Kovács, A.; Váncza, J.: Adaptive Aggregated Predictions for Renewable Energy Systems, 2014 IEEE SSCI Symposium on Adaptive Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning (ADPRL), Orlando, Florida, December 9–12, 2014, pp. 132–139 [pdf]
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Csáji, B. Cs.; Campi, M. C.; Weyer, E.: Strong Consistency of the Sign-Perturbed Sums Method, 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Los Angeles, California, December 15–17, 2014, pp. 3352–3357
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Weyer, E.; Csáji, B. Cs.; Campi, M. C.: Guaranteed Non-Asymptotic Confidence Ellipsoids for FIR Systems, 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Florence, Italy, December 10–13, 2013, pp. 7162–7167
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Csáji, B. Cs.; Campi, M. C.; Weyer, E.: Sign-Perturbed Sums (SPS): A Method for Constructing Exact Finite-Sample Confidence Regions for General Linear Systems, 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Maui, Hawaii, December 10–13, 2012, pp. 7321–7326 [pdf]
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Campi, M. C.; Csáji, B. Cs.; Garatti, S.; Weyer, E.: Certified System Identification: Towards Distribution-Free Results, 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID), Brussels, Belgium, July 11–13, 2012, pp. 245–255 [pdf]
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Csáji, B. Cs.; Campi, M. C.; Weyer, E.: Non-Asymptotic Confidence Regions for the Least-Squares Estimate, 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID), Brussels, Belgium, July 11–13, 2012, pp. 227–232 [pdf]
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Csáji, B. Cs.; Weyer, E.: Recursive Estimation of ARX Systems Using Binary Sensors with Adjustable Thresholds, 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID), Brussels, Belgium, July 11–13, 2012, pp. 1185–1190 [pdf] [slides]
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Csáji, B. Cs.; Weyer, E.: System Identification with Binary Observations by Stochastic Approximation and Active Learning, 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) & European Control Conference (ECC), Orlando, Florida, December 12–15, 2011, pp. 3634–3639 [pdf]
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Ivanov, T.; Csáji, B. Cs.: Reproducing Kernels Preserving Algebraic Structure: A Duality Approach, 19th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTMS), Budapest, Hungary, July 5–9, 2010, pp. 1161–1167 [pdf]
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Csáji, B. Cs.; Jungers, R. M.; Blondel, V. D.: PageRank Optimization in Polynomial Time by Stochastic Shortest Path Reformulation, 21st International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT), Canberra, Australia, October 6–8, 2010, pp. 89–103 [pdf]
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Csáji, B. Cs.; Monostori, L.: Adaptive Sampling Based Large-Scale Stochastic Resource Control, 21st National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Boston, Massachusetts, July 16–20, 2006, pp. 815–820
Selected Papers in Hungarian
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Tamás, A.; Csáji, B. Cs.: Statisztikus tanluláselmélet I: Szupport vektor gépek (Statistical Learning Theory I: Support Vector Machines), Érintő: Elektronikus Matematikai Lapok (Tangent: Electronic Journal of Mathematics, János Bolyai Mathematical Society), Vol. 31, március, 2024 [link]
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Csáji, B. Cs.: Antirealizmus a matematikában (Anti-Realism in Mathematics), Érintő: Elektronikus Matematikai Lapok (Tangent: Electronic Journal of Mathematics, János Bolyai Mathematical Society), Vol. 22, December, 2021 [link]
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Tamás, A.; Csáji, B. Cs.: Sztochasztikus garanciák bináris klasszifikációhoz (Stochastic Guarantees for Binary Classification), Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok (Applied Mathematical Journal of the Section of Mathematics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences), Vol. 37, No. 2, 2020 [pdf]
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Csáji, B. Cs.: Szimmetria és konfidencia (Symmetry and Confidence), Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok (Applied Mathematical Journal of the Section of Mathematics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences), Vol. 36, No. 2, 2019, pp. 271–278 [pdf]
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Csáji, B. Cs.; Rédei, M.: A racionális demokratikus véleményösszegzés korlátairól (On the Limits of Rational Democratic Judgment Aggregation), Magyar Filozófiai Szemle (Hungarian Philosophical Review), Vol. 55, No. 2, 2011, pp. 97–121